For Connecticut farmers and their families - Dealing with Stress in Agriculture
Are you at risk? In Crisis call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 211 in CT, or Text "CT" to 741741.
In an Emergency call or text 911
Farm Stress Resources
Agriculture is a challenging and stressful business, but farmers and producers are not alone. Connecticut agricultural organizations have mental health resources specific to the industry that are available on demand. There are tools, information, interviews, webinars, videos and services that help producers and farmers cope, and remind us that we are not alone. This project is led by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, in partnership with Extension and others.
Farm Stress Solutions Series
Mental Health is a term that is thrown around a lot, but did you know it is refers to anything that connects with our emotional well-being? It can be as simple as how to deal with stress that your finances cause you, to dealing with the grief and loss of a partner in your life. All of these parts of our lives are woven in and out of our farms and need caring for in order for our businesses to thrive! Earlier in 2022 we put together a series of videos talking with local farmers about a couple of different topics surrounding mental health/wellness. They're the perfect thing to listen to while moving fencing, weeding veggies or going to-and for in the busy market season. Give them a listen and see if you can learn a thing or two!
Connecticut Resources
Resources available in Connecticut
CT Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services
- Suicide Prevention
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services:211 Youth Adults
- Talk It Out Line for Parents & Caregivers: 1(833)528-5011 www.TalkItOutCT.com
- Gizmo's Pawesome Guide to Mental Health: www.Gizmo4MentalHealth.org
- Crisis Text Line: Text CT to 741741 www.crisistextline.org
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1(800)273-TALK (8255) or 211 in CT www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Question. Persuade. Refer. (QPR) Institute
Similar to CPR training, QPR training teaches anyone how to respond to help prevent suicide
Other resourses
MSU Extension - Managing Farm Stress
Convening Webinars and Resources
USDA Farm Stress Convening Webinar and Additional Resources
The USDA meeting, Sustainable Livelihoods and Behavioral Health: Strategies to Address Farm Stress and Suicide , offered new information and discussions on strategies, programs, and resources to support farmers and ranchers in need.
Session Recordings
Helpful Links
- 988 Hotline
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Rural Activities 2022
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention Rural Health
- Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
- Farm Stress Resources
- Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE)
- OPPE Contact Information
- OPPE Outreach for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers
- USDA Service Center Locator
- USDA Rural Development
If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to reach out to partnerships@usda.gov
Pandemic Resources
COVID-19 Resources The worldwide pandemic involving COVID-19 (coronavirus) has produced unprecedented challenges in the agricultural community and around the world. UConn Extension has curated many resources for our audiences.
COVID-19 Information and Support for CT Farmers
Resources for Managing Stress During a Pandemic
Managing Stress During a Pandemic
Dr. Heidi Radunovich, a licensed clinical psychologist at UF/IFAS has put together a presentation regarding managing stress during a pandemic. It is a great presentation with things that can be done individually and within families.
2019 Connecticut Ag Wellness Summit Resources
Resources from the December 5th, 2019 Connecticut Ag Wellness Summit
Contralling the Controllables - Jon Jaffe, Farm Credit East
Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network – Northeast
UConn Extension participates with the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network - Northeast to better serve agricultural producers and farmers statewide and to connect with other available resources.
Learn more about the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network in the Northeast.